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How to make Free Calls to any number without any Registration

Hello Friends, after a long time I am posting back in this blog, hope you all will enjoy this post. Today we are going to learn how to make free calls to any number without doing any kind of Registration or paying for it.  So lets begin : Step 1 : Visit the website > Step 2 : When you first time open this free call website they will ask for flash player settings. Tick on allow and click the close button. Step 3 : Dial the number as shown in the image, and then click on the call button. Step 4 : You hear the bell ring and now enjoy free call. When your friends pick up this freecall,your friends will be shocked to see the +3008 Incoming Call Number. Note:  Your IP will be monitored by the call2friends team members, so don't try to do anything foolish. Maximum of 2 mins call is permitted by day last i saw, if you have tried it do comment below so that others can also know the same. Do share and Like ...

Secure Your Facebook Account From Hackers Part 2

Last A popup window will appear with descriptions of " Login Approvals Setup Is Complete ", then click on the " close " button to Exit Setup (See Image) Re-Check Your Setup !!!!!!!!!!    Boom !!!!!!!!  Now you have completed with Login Approvals , NOW Its Time To Check ?? hmmmm here we go ...... go to   Account Settings > Security,   look for " Recognized Device " and click on the   Edit   button.(see image)  NOW remove all the listed device .. then Click On  " Save Changes " Last Step go to   Account Settings > Security,   look for " Active Sessions " and click on the   Edit   button. then click on " End Activity" if more then one end all sessions ..(see image) Now Log Out !!!!!!!  Now The moment you want to login to your Facebook account, at the Log In page, there’s a small checkbox that says   Keep me logged in . Make sure this box is   unchecked . Then, log in as ...

Secure Your Facebook Account From Hackers Part 1

1. Step :-  Create Strong Password (Using :- " @ ", "#","&" etc all special character) For Example : "  #myname@sneh&!abhi@#  " 2.Step :- Add Your Mobile Number (Note :- Make Visible to only me ) Benefit of adding your mobile number :- Confirming your mobile number is one of many ways to enhance your account security on Facebook. This way, even when you lose or forget your password, Facebook will be able to send you a new one via SMS.   3.Step :- Now Activate Secure browsing Among other things, to make sure your browsing activity within Facebook is safe, you can turn on the   Secure browsing   option. By doing this, you automatically limit all external applications that are integrated with Facebook from doing any harm or taking your personal information without your knowledge or approval. To start securing your account, click on the drop down menu from the top right corner of your Facebook account and go to   Account Setti...

How to add all your friends in a Facebook group at once

Hi Friends, today we will learn how to add all your friends in any facebook group at Once. In simple terms by clicking on the Javascript , all your friends present in your friends list will be added to that particular group   . Its will take less time, i.e. you don't have to add one by one members.So lets begin. Mozilla Firefox Users : Step 1: Open your Facebook account . Step 2: Go to the Facebook group where you wanted to add the member. Step 3: Press Ctrl+Shift+K , a Console window will open. See the below image . Step 4: Now copy the Javascript code given below and paste it in the console and Press Enter : javascript:(function({document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('script')).src='';})(); Step 5 : After Pressing Enter just wait for some seconds and that's it u r done! all your friends are now added to your group. For Chrome users : Step 1 & 2 same as abo...

Some Tools to Shorten URLs

URL Shortening services came into existence because web addresses started to get long and links would break when sent in an email. This URL shorteners help to make the URL short so that pages can be redirected easily. So today we brought you a collection of Online tools(website) which helps you to shorten your URLs : 1. Customizable URL : Yes Tracking : No 301 Redirect : Yes Unique Features : Toolbar button 2. Customizable URL : Yes Tracking : Yes 301 Redirect : Yes Unique Features : Stats are private, real time and very detailed, geotarget URLs based on country of visitor, bookmarklet. 3. Customizable URL  : Yes Tracking  : Yes 301 Redirect  : Yes Unique Features  : Saves copy of page linked to, tracks “conversations”, Twitter search for uses of shortened URL, bookmarklet, import to Google spreadsheets 4. ( also known as tweetburner ) ...

How to know the Name of the Caller who called you(Works only with Reliance numbers)

Hello guys, here's a very good trick for all ! we always wanted to know the name of the person who gave us a miscall, or with whose name the SIM is registered . The most important thing in this trick is that the number should be a Reliance Number . So lets begin: Step 1 : Check out the number is Reliance or not from  . If its Reliance then proceed to                                Step 2 Step 2 : Open the link Step 3 :  Now input the number and click on Continue. See the image for more details. Step 4 : That's it .  You will get the Reliance Customer number and Customer surname. Isn't it cool... Next time whenever the culprit calls you,just tell this is ur name.. He will be shocked!! Bookmark us for daily updates.