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Showing posts with the label Windows

How to fix Trust Relationship issue in Windows (without System Reboot)

  Hello Readers, today we are going to learn how to Fix trust relationship issue between the workstation and the domain. But before jumping into the solution, we need to learn the concept of Secure channel. What is a Secure Channel ? Before understanding the trust relationship issue, you will need to know what is a Secure channel .  Whenever you add a computer or client machine to an Active Directory domain, your computer account gets created in Active Directory. Secure Channel helps to make the communication between the client machine and DC (Domain Controller), Example : Replicating Group Policies. Always remember in a Secure channel the computer authentication takes place and not the User Authentication So for this Authentication Password is required. Once computer is joined to the domain a password for authentication is proposed to the Active Directory By Default, Computer account password change is initiated by the client computer in every 30 days . This can be modified i...

Powershell interview questions

1. Which is not a built-in variable out of this         a) $Args b) $Hostname c) $Pid d) $? 2. Which one will override the default alias in Powershell a) Set-Alias -Name ls -Value hostname -Scope Local -Force b) Set-Alias -Name ls -Value hostname -Force c) Set-Alias -Name ls -Value hostname -Option AllScope d) None of the above, we can't override the default aliases 3. Out of the below which command won't work ( Renaming directory ) a) Rename-Item "C:\`[Test File`]\" "Test" b) Rename-Item "C:\``[Test File``]\" "Test" c) Rename-Item -LiteralPath "C:\`[Test File`]\" "Test" d) Rename-Item -LiteralPath "C:\[Test File]\" "Test" 4. What is the default execution policy in Powershell     a) Bypass b) Restricted c) UnRestricted d) RemoteSigned 5. W...

How to get SID of all Domain Users using PowerShell

Hey All, Today we are going to cover an interesting topic to fetch SID of all domain users. What is SID ? SID (Security Identifier ) is an unique id or value assigned to each and every domain object. Each domain object whether its a Group, User account , Computer , OU is assigned with an unique id in order to get identified by a Domain controller. All these SID's are stored in a Security Database. It looks like  S-1-5-32-545 etc. NOTE :   Domain Controller identifies object with their SID and not with the name. In order to understand this concept, open any box which is in Domain and go to any Folder properties , in Security tab you will observe it will show SID something like  S-1-5-32-545  and then it tries to convert it to name. So Lets Begin There are several ways to find the list of SSID's , I will be covering the easiest ones. 1. To get the list of all the domain users and their SSID Get-WmiObject win32_account | Select FullName,Name,SID,Des...

Windows Services Startup Type Explained

Hi Geeks, Today I was working on a Service related script so thought of sharing some useful information related to Services Startup Type which most of the people knows but doesn’t know about the functionality. So lets begin. What are Windows Services and what they do ? Windows Services are the components or applications that starts when your computer is booted up and runs in the background mode helping the application to work smoothly and finally stops when the computer shuts down. For Example, If you want to send or receive any Fax, then the Fax service should be running in the background to perform the Fax activity. How many Service Startup Types are there and what they do ? There are 4 Service Startup Types available : 1. Automatic Explanation : Automatic Service Startup Type starts the service automatically when the system boot up is done. So if we are having a machine of less memory and there are lots of services in Automatic Startup type then your mac...