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Showing posts with the label Tips and Tricks

Linux Tip : How to Switch user as root if you have Sudoers access

Today we will see how one can become a root user if he / she has sudoers access. In some organizations if you try to switch user to root ( sudo su - root ), you may see error like below : Sorry, user <username> is not allowed to execute '/bin/su - root' as root on <hostname> But you can try other method to switch as root user. Lets look into those steps. Method 1 : Type  sudo vi -c '!bash' in the command line console and that's it. Method 2 :   Type   sudo vi a.txt  in the command line console , it will open vi editor just press ESC (Escape) and then :sh and Enter Hope you all enjoyed this little hack, do share your queries in the comment box below.

How to Bypass execution policy in Powershell

Hi Geeks, Today we are going to learn the tips and tricks which can be used to bypass or run a Powershell script or command if its blocked using the below methods : 1. RemoteSigned Execution Policy 2. AllSigned Execution Policy 3. Restricted Execution Policy Steps : Source :  Netspi Blog

Powershell Tip: where does recovered file get stored in Powershell ?

Hey Geeks, Hope you are having a great day. Lets come to one of our interesting section i.e Powershell >_ Tip of the Day. Ever wondered if you have some unsaved data in Powershell ISE and ISE process get stopped suddenly either it is through system shutdown or any other means. WHAT HAPPENS TO YOUR UNSAVED DATA?? Once you open ISE you might see that old unsaved data as (untitled*.ps1(Recovered)), But from where did it came. So the answer is here, its the same way Sticky notes saves the unsaved data. Powershell stores it in the below path : $env:USERPROFILE\AppData\Local\Microsoft_Corporation\PowerShell_ISE.exe_StrongName_lw2v3wmtzzpebq33gybmeoxukb04w\\AutoSaveFiles\ If you already knew this then its great, if not hope you learned something new! Share your thoughts by commenting below. :)

How-To Surf anonymously using a Proxy browser

Hey all, Previously if you have gone through my blogs, you might have come across several ways to browse anonymous, today we are going to learn the fastest way to do so using a proxy browser. Most often i use this to fetch data which are blocked by my office web protection or any enterprise url blocker like Sophos etc. so lets begin : Step 1: Open the website -- Step 2: Type the website name you wanted to surf anonymously Step 3: The best part is that you can even Encrypt the complete page, so give a try Note : This website helps you to access blocked content in the best possible way, although for complete anonymity you should use TOR.

How to make your SmartPhone work as Mouse and Keyboard

Hello friends, today we will learn how to make our Smartphone work as a Mouse and Keyboard remotely. We can also perform the below activities through this : 1. You can Manage your System Drives 2. Play Music of System 3. Restart, Log off, Shutdown and Lock the System Remotely 4. Control Youtube, VLC media player etc. Okay so lets begin, for performing this you will require : Unified Remote Server -> Click here to download Unified Remote App( To be installed on your SmartPhone) -> Click here to download Step 1 : Download the Unified Remote Server file from the link provided above and Install it. Step 2 : While Installing it, remember to check the "Windows Firewall Exception". After Installing it, Double click on the icon of Unified Remote Server. It will look like this : If you want to see what all things we can do remotely then check the Remotes tab. Step 3 : Since now our Server is up we are ready to make a connection with the App. D...

How to clear all the Event Logs with just a Click

Hello Friends, today we are going to learn how to clear all the event logs with a few clicks. Before that understand first what is Event logs and how can we view them. What are Event Logs ? According to Microsoft , Event logs are special files that record significant events on your computer, such as when a user logs on to the computer or when a program encounters an error. Whenever these types of events occur, Windows records the event in an event log that you can read by using Event Viewer. How to View them ? Go to Run Prompt ( WINDOWS +R ) -> Type "Eventvwr" -> Enter -> Now you will be able to see the event viewer console. This is the place where windows store all the event logs of your computer. Now the main question is, what is the need of clearing all this logs ? Whether you do some unauthorized access into a machine or run your own virus on the machine, everything is being recorded in the form of logs. So people can anytime go through thi...

How to Find which USB devices were Plugged in your system

Hello guyz, once again we are back with another interesting trick. Just Imagine, you are running a company where you have disabled the USB Access for your employees. But since there are many clever minded peoples,they will always try to connect some or the other USB devices. So in this case, today we have are going to show you all a way to knw wat all USB Devices are plugged into a specific System. 2 WAYS TO DO THIS :: 1. REGISTRY 2. POWERSHELL COMMAND >_ THROUGH REGISTRY STEP 1 :   Press " WINDOWS + R " button to open Run prompt -> Type " regedit.exe " and Enter STEP 2 :  Now you are on the Registry window -> Expand  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SYSTEM -> CurrentControlSet -> Enum -> USBSTOR STEP 3 :  That's it done.. U can see the list of USB's devices connected on that system( Here we connected a Samsung mobile). >_ THROUGH POWERSHELL COMMAND STEP 1 :   Press " WINDOWS + R " button to open...

How to Bypass SMS Verification send by any email Provider

In most of the websites, it asks to enter your phone number for verification. Sometimes you don't want to give it because of your privacy reasons. Even when we register in websites like Gmail, Yahoo , hotmail, rediffmail etc. they asks for SMS Verification. So today we will learn how to bypass this SMS Verification method using external number. For this method u can use the below mentioned website : 1. 2. So how it works. This websites will provide you with some numbers . For example we are using  , In the below image u can see it is providing with some numbers. we will use this number to verify our account. Now give any of this number where it asking for number and for the verification click on the Number u gave, and refresh the page. You will get your code as shown on the image below : For any clarification do comment below. CREDITS :- ...

How to find Someone's IP & Location details in just 1 mins

Hello guyz, Today I'm gonna show you "How to find the IP address and Geographical Location of someone in just 1 minute", Easy and quick. This method is 100% working and accurate as tested by me so no useless comments! So lets start : Step 1 : Go to this website : Step 2 : Enter your mail id and click get link . See the image for details. Step 3 : You'll see 2 links, Just copy either one of the link and send to your victim and make him open it, say "check out my new pic" or something like that (Don't open it by yourself). Step 4 :  Check your Inbox in the mail provided in step2. You'll see a mail with an IP address, You got his IP and Geo Location !! When your Victim or Friend opens that link he'll see an error page and he'll think it as a random error. Hope u guyz like this trick. Do comment if u have any problem in the above steps. Credits :- Amar Helloween, Haxor...

Changing File formats of your Friends Machine

Hello Guyz, today we are going to teach you a very simple but very dangerous trick which you can try out in your friends system :P >_What are we going to do :  We will change some of the important file formats like( exe, cpl, bat, msc, mp3 , mp4 , flv or any other of ur choice) into txt format. >_ What will happen :  Whenever ur friend will open any file with the above mentioned extensions for example suppose if they open any video file of format mp4 it will open as notepad and they will never be able to play that. So lets get started : Step 1 :  We need to access ur victims/friends machine at least for 10 minutes. Step 2 :  Type regedit.exe (registry) in run prompt of the victims machine. Step 3 :  Now you are on the Registry window -> Click on " HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT " and search for the extension you want to change. Here we are changing any executable file (.exe) to text file(.txt). Similarly you can also change of you own. ...

How to make Free Calls to any number without any Registration

Hello Friends, after a long time I am posting back in this blog, hope you all will enjoy this post. Today we are going to learn how to make free calls to any number without doing any kind of Registration or paying for it.  So lets begin : Step 1 : Visit the website > Step 2 : When you first time open this free call website they will ask for flash player settings. Tick on allow and click the close button. Step 3 : Dial the number as shown in the image, and then click on the call button. Step 4 : You hear the bell ring and now enjoy free call. When your friends pick up this freecall,your friends will be shocked to see the +3008 Incoming Call Number. Note:  Your IP will be monitored by the call2friends team members, so don't try to do anything foolish. Maximum of 2 mins call is permitted by day last i saw, if you have tried it do comment below so that others can also know the same. Do share and Like ...

Secure Your Facebook Account From Hackers Part 2

Last A popup window will appear with descriptions of " Login Approvals Setup Is Complete ", then click on the " close " button to Exit Setup (See Image) Re-Check Your Setup !!!!!!!!!!    Boom !!!!!!!!  Now you have completed with Login Approvals , NOW Its Time To Check ?? hmmmm here we go ...... go to   Account Settings > Security,   look for " Recognized Device " and click on the   Edit   button.(see image)  NOW remove all the listed device .. then Click On  " Save Changes " Last Step go to   Account Settings > Security,   look for " Active Sessions " and click on the   Edit   button. then click on " End Activity" if more then one end all sessions ..(see image) Now Log Out !!!!!!!  Now The moment you want to login to your Facebook account, at the Log In page, there’s a small checkbox that says   Keep me logged in . Make sure this box is   unchecked . Then, log in as ...

Secure Your Facebook Account From Hackers Part 1

1. Step :-  Create Strong Password (Using :- " @ ", "#","&" etc all special character) For Example : "  #myname@sneh&!abhi@#  " 2.Step :- Add Your Mobile Number (Note :- Make Visible to only me ) Benefit of adding your mobile number :- Confirming your mobile number is one of many ways to enhance your account security on Facebook. This way, even when you lose or forget your password, Facebook will be able to send you a new one via SMS.   3.Step :- Now Activate Secure browsing Among other things, to make sure your browsing activity within Facebook is safe, you can turn on the   Secure browsing   option. By doing this, you automatically limit all external applications that are integrated with Facebook from doing any harm or taking your personal information without your knowledge or approval. To start securing your account, click on the drop down menu from the top right corner of your Facebook account and go to   Account Setti...