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Showing posts with the label Orchestrator

JBPM Time Scheduler Format Explained

Hey Friends, Today am gonna explain you the time format used by JBPM Schuduler. Those who don’t know what JBPM is, its basically a Open Source workflow engine used to execute Business Process. For more details read here : JBPM Wikipedia After lots and lots of googling i got the timer info, hence i am sharing the same below : JBPM SCHEDULER SEQUENCE :  Sec Min  Hour  Day of the Month Month Day of the Week Year So suppose, you wanted to trigger process by : Example 1 : 2 AM Sunday Daily Timer : SEC MIN HOUR [DAY OF MONTH] MONTH [DAY OF WEEK] YEAR 0 0 2 ? * SUN * Here, ? mean you don’t know the exact Day of the Month, so JBPM will automatically find it for you just need to put ? , while * is for all , here in the example it means the process should be triggered in all the Months of a year. Example 2 : 4:25 PM All days of a week Timer : 0 25 16 * * ? Lets increase the complexity, suppose you wanted to execute a script every 2 hours ...