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Showing posts with the label Free call and Sms

How to Bypass SMS Verification send by any email Provider

In most of the websites, it asks to enter your phone number for verification. Sometimes you don't want to give it because of your privacy reasons. Even when we register in websites like Gmail, Yahoo , hotmail, rediffmail etc. they asks for SMS Verification. So today we will learn how to bypass this SMS Verification method using external number. For this method u can use the below mentioned website : 1. 2. So how it works. This websites will provide you with some numbers . For example we are using  , In the below image u can see it is providing with some numbers. we will use this number to verify our account. Now give any of this number where it asking for number and for the verification click on the Number u gave, and refresh the page. You will get your code as shown on the image below : For any clarification do comment below. CREDITS :- ...

How to make Free Calls to any number without any Registration

Hello Friends, after a long time I am posting back in this blog, hope you all will enjoy this post. Today we are going to learn how to make free calls to any number without doing any kind of Registration or paying for it.  So lets begin : Step 1 : Visit the website > Step 2 : When you first time open this free call website they will ask for flash player settings. Tick on allow and click the close button. Step 3 : Dial the number as shown in the image, and then click on the call button. Step 4 : You hear the bell ring and now enjoy free call. When your friends pick up this freecall,your friends will be shocked to see the +3008 Incoming Call Number. Note:  Your IP will be monitored by the call2friends team members, so don't try to do anything foolish. Maximum of 2 mins call is permitted by day last i saw, if you have tried it do comment below so that others can also know the same. Do share and Like ...