What is Kubernetes ? Kubernetes (K8s) is a container orchestration tool, which helps to manage, deploy and scale containers like Docker etc. Kubernetes was designed by Google using Go Lang. What is Docker ? Docker is an open source project that automates the deployment of applications inside containers. What are Containers ? ⚡Containers are basically layer of Base image and application image, stacked together with all their necessary dependencies and configuration. ⚡Containers are portable and scalable. Docker Public Repository : https://hub.docker.com/ How to install Docker on Windows ? Note : Hardware Virtualization should be enabled on the host box in order to install Docker. 1. Go to the link = https://docs.docker.com/desktop/windows/install/ 2. Download and Install the application To verify if installation was successful or not, just type : docker run hello-world while running the above command I got the below error, it was because I didn't run...