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About the Author

Welcome to My Tech Journey

Hello, fellow tech enthusiasts!

I'm Amar, a passionate explorer of all things technology. With over 12 years of experience in the Information Technology (IT) industry, I've worn many hats—currently serving as a Senior Site Reliability Engineer (SRE). My journey has been fueled by a deep love for learning and sharing knowledge, especially in the realms of Automation, PowerShell, Ethical Hacking, and Windows Administration.

This blog is my way of bringing complex tech concepts down to earth, making them accessible to everyone—from beginners to seasoned pros. I believe that understanding the computer world shouldn't be a daunting task, and I'm committed to breaking down each topic into bite-sized, easily digestible pieces. To enhance your learning experience, I’ll be including video tutorials alongside detailed articles, ensuring that you get a comprehensive understanding of each subject.

But tech isn’t my only passion—I’m also an avid traveler and a food enthusiast. Exploring new places and savoring different cuisines keeps me energized and inspired, and I love bringing that same sense of adventure and curiosity to my work in tech.

I’m thrilled to have you join me on this journey. Whether you're here to deepen your tech skills, pick up something new, or simply stay updated with the latest in IT, you’re in the right place. I hope you find this blog both informative and enjoyable, and I encourage you to visit regularly as we continue to explore the ever-evolving world of technology together.

Stay curious and keep learning!
_ Amar


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