What is Kubernetes ?
Kubernetes (K8s) is a container orchestration tool, which helps to manage, deploy and scale containers like Docker etc. Kubernetes was designed by Google using Go Lang.
What is Docker ?
Docker is an open source project that automates the deployment of applications inside containers.
What are Containers ?
⚡Containers are basically layer of Base image and application image, stacked together with all their necessary dependencies and configuration.
⚡Containers are portable and scalable.
Docker Public Repository : https://hub.docker.com/
How to install Docker on Windows ?
Note : Hardware Virtualization should be enabled on the host box in order to install Docker.
1. Go to the link = https://docs.docker.com/desktop/windows/install/
2. Download and Install the application
To verify if installation was successful or not, just type :
docker run hello-world
while running the above command I got the below error, it was because I didn't run Docker desktop app with elevated privileges. so I executed the app via Run as administrator and It gave me message installation was done successfully.
How to pull the container image and run it once downloaded ?
=> docker run <imagename:version>
Example : docker run postgres:9.6
The above command will first try to find the image locally and if it doesn't find the image there, it will try to search for the image in public repo.
How to see the list of running containers ?
=> docker ps
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