Today we are going to Learn all about Compressing and Decompressing a file using Powershell. So lets get started.
Powershell 5.0 have lots of features added to its feather. One of them is Zipping and Unzipping . Powershell 5.0 contains 2 functions by default for Zipping and Unzipping a file i.e. Compress-Archive and Expand-Archive
Syntax :
Zip : Compress-Archive -path <Source_File_Path> -DestinationPath <Destination_File>
Unzip : Expand-Archive -path <Zip_file_path_to_Extract> -DestinationPath <Destination_path_where_to_Extract>
>_ If you are using Powershell version below 5.0 then you can achieve the same by Calling a Class.
Add-Type -Assembly "System.IO.Compression.FileSystem" ;
[System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory("E:\The Powershell Geek", "E:\")
Add-Type -Assembly "System.IO.Compression.FileSystem"
[System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory("E:\", "E:\")
Hope you all liked it.. Keep Learning and do share. If you have any queries related to Powershell then do comment we will take it up in our next post.
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