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Fix - This storage pool does not have sufficient eligible resources for the creation of this specified virtual disk

When encountering an error while creating a Virtual Disk after establishing a Storage Pool in the Server Manager, this is the appropriate location for assistance. Here are the specifics of the error message: Error Details : Failed to create virtual Disk – Not Supported Extended information This storage pool does not have sufficient eligible resources for the creation of this specified virtual disk. Recommended Actions: - Choose a combination of FaultDomainAwareness and NumberOfDataCopies (or PhysicalDiskRedundancy) supported by this storage pool. - Choose a value of NumberOfColumns that is less than or equal to the number of physical disks in the storage fault domain selected for the virtual disk. To Fix : Avoid using ServerManager GUI to perform this, instead use Powershell to run the query. New-VirtualDisk -StoragePoolFriendlyName <StoragepoolName> -FriendlyName TestVD -ResiliencySettingName Parity -Size <Size> -ProvisioningType Fixed -MediaType SSD -PhysicalDiskRedundanc
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